We all love cars. Why would you be reading a motorsports based website if that’s not the case, right? But in fact I think we all equally appreciate the people involved in motorsports, as well, and can easily recognize the greatness that they bring to the event. Drivers, riders, mechanics, and even the media. All talented people in their own right and each doing their part to bring the the things we enjoy into our lives. All of these people strive to do their very best and even better their very best, each time they head to the track with credential in hand.
Formula Drift is one of the largest gatherings of talented individuals I’ve ever seen. And it happens every time the organization puts on this high speed, feast for the senses. Amazing drivers show off their skillful precision driving. Event Staff, mechanics and crew demonstrate their readiness to jump any hurdle, and the media show us time and again that there will always be a new or interesting way of looking at a car going sideways with furious noise and a trail of tire smoke.
Aren’t we lucky? Lucky to live in a time when the cars are faster, the challenges greater, and the technology exists to show us these things we enjoy in such an amazing way. We are lucky.
Here are some of my favorite people watching moments from a most incredible and enjoyable final round of Formula Drift, 2013. Be sure to check out the full gallery at the end of this post.
Dai YoshiharaIndy Car driver J.R. Hildebrand easing his way into the role of Formula Drift driver.Lifeblasters Andrew Bohan getting the shot.Matt PowersMike Essa gets a congratulatory kiss from his wife on the top step of the podium.Daigo SaitoMike Essa
Chris ForsbergRyan TuerckThe always lovely Erica NagashimaTyler McQuarrie shooting the shooter.Robby Nishida hoists his son during pre-race introductions.Larry Chen taking time to have dinner in a fast paced weekend.Matt PowersConrad looking focused.Alex Wong and possibly Camden Thrasher taking a breather.Larry Chen getting the shot of Danny George.Dai gives Chris Forsberg a thumbs up.Michael Essa, out with an engine failure, feels the pressure.Michael EssaKen Gushi clearing his head before hitting the track.Taka Aono works on his car before heading into battle.Matt Field takes time for a snack.Chris ForsbergTyler McQuarrie surveys the damage from his final round tangle with the Irwindale wall.The crowd loves the smoke.Formula Drift officials give details of the day at the drivers meeting.Matt Field takes in the drivers meeting.KDF filmmaker, and king of the Ginger-beards, Joshua HerronFredric Aasbo getting focused.Odie Backchis straps in.Vaughn Gittin, Jr.Steve.Bil and Luke
Pride and Joy of Calgary, AB, Alex Lee.Alex Lee’s very pretty pit crew, Shelby CrackstonTyler McQuarrie is all smiles.Speedhunter Larry Chen and his 400mm.Former Formula Drift Champion, Daigo Saito.Formula Drift Champion, Mike Essa.Tandem of Die founder, and co-producer of the short film “Stuck”, Joe Ayala.John PangilinanDanny George rattling the cage.Kyle MohanMatt Powers flashes a grin.Chelsea DeNofaYukio Taira with “Big Steve”Getting the evening sun shot.Cory Hosford
I've been around some form of racing since I was a kid. First hanging around Ascot in Southern California. Then, after moving to Texas as a teen, I got hooked on drag racing and did that for almost fifteen years. In between I have raced Dirt bikes and Quads.
2011 Marked my 8th and final year racing up Pikes Peak: Five in the Pro Quad division and three in Time Attack. Future racing plans are in the works, but until then I'm at the track shooting for My Life at Speed as much as I possibly can.
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