Preparation IS Key. It really is. All the I’s must be crossed and the T’s dotted before you can really get yourself head-long into any event. The GRC is no different. There is much work to be done and these guys are all over it. Me? I just had to walk around and look at stuff and snap the occasional photo. Maybe run into an old friend or two and make some idle chit chat about how cool it is that they’ve been winning a lot lately..Read that as talk to Rhys Millen and stuff. Pretty easy day.
Well, not for the GRC construction team. Believe it or not, rain can actually hold up progress, even here in the beautiful and typically moist Pacific Northwest. There had been enough rain in past few days that construction of the brand new, super shiny (as the photos will prove) purpose built ERC inspired GRC course on the grounds of the world famous Dirtfish Rally School had been delayed. Now it was crunch time. Armco was still being hammered into place, and the tire bales were still awaiting their final positioning, as were the Red Bull Global Rallycross start finish banners.
I even heard a few onlookers gasp and say to themselves “there’s no way. No way this is ready for racing Friday”. That’s right…an audible gasp. Who still does that?
Anyway, it will be done on time. Friday morning, bright and early, this facility will be ready for racing, and much carnage will happen here. As sure as there will be rain in forecast. The course is tight and twisty, and unlike when they raced here three years ago, the final will see TEN cars on course at one time, unlike the six that were on course for the final back then. Oh, man…is this going to be nuts, or what.
Stay Tuned, kids. Much more to come from Red Bull GRC Seattle.

More tomorrow, everyone!