YouTube Description: When the memory cards are taken out of Claudio Caluori’s GoPro cameras at the end of one of his course previews, nobody knows what to expect. But then, neither does he. Mountain biking’s most talkative downhill rider has been known for shredding some of the best tracks in the world while singing us a song or two, all while hootin’ and hollering down the mountain with more stoke than he can contain. Enjoy some of the best moments from Claudio’s mountain bike course previews from 2015!
Claudio Caluori’s Best DH Mountain Bike Moments of 2015

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My Life at Speed Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer, Chris Nazarenus, had a chance meeting with key executives at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in 1998. It would be the "Jerry McGuire" moment that would change her life forever. Although she knew nothing about motorsports at that time, the chance meeting would influence her passion for all things fast, great stories and interesting people. That's what you will find here at My Life at Speed. Visit Site →