YouTube description: “On this episode of The Downshift, we meet the original speed freaks! The Bonneville Salt flats in Utah are the veritable Valhalla of land speed racing. The world’s fastest wheels have been competing here since the early 1900s, from Sir Malcolm Campbell’s Blue Bird to today’s fastest jet-powered streamliners. What started as just a sport has evolved into a vibrant culture anchored in history and a shared love for living life at the limits.”
Bonneville: The Great American Playground

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My Life at Speed Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer, Chris Nazarenus, had a chance meeting with key executives at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in 1998. It would be the "Jerry McGuire" moment that would change her life forever. Although she knew nothing about motorsports at that time, the chance meeting would influence her passion for all things fast, great stories and interesting people. That's what you will find here at My Life at Speed. Visit Site →