Racing trucks – just the very thought of them makes us giggle. Here at My Life at Speed, we’re quite used to the idea because of our friend Mike Ryan and his racing, drifting, hill climbing Banks Powered Freight-liner. However, watching a number of fully-prepared race trucks thrashing around the hallowed Nürburgring is a ton of fun! (Pun intended)

The FIA European Truck Racing Championship has been in existence since 1994, but actually started in 1985. These two-axle road tractor units race for two days at each location, with championship races of 45km, give or take a lap. The series visits circuits in Italy, Russia, France, England and Germany, among others. Of course, manufacturers pour big bucks into the sport in the hopes that their trucks will be crowned the victor. This video is from German MAN Truck and Bus’ YouTube channel.
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Fantastisches Wetter und 165.000 begeisterte Zuschauer sorgten für eine einmalige Atmosphäre beim Truck Race auf dem Nürburgring. Titelverteidiger Jochen Hahn lieferte sich mit dem Spitzenreiter der aktuellen Saison ein packendes Duell. Weitere Informationen
Fantastic weather and 165,000 enthusiastic spectators created a unique atmosphere in the truck race at the Nürburgring. Defending champion Jochen Hahn supplied with the leader of the current season, a thrilling duel. More information