My friend Dan Currier of J2D2 Racing, invited me to a downhill mountain bike race. Having never been to an event, I was more than happy to oblige. As I arrived at Attitash Mountain Resort in Bartlett, New Hampshire, the humidity set in. The sun was up and with it, racers emerged from various sleeping arrangements to start the day off with some practice runs.
I had known Dan for many years but this would be the first time meeting the rest of the team. As I made my way over to their paddock area I was greeted with warm hellos and genuine enthusiasm. The team consists of 5 members now. Besides Dan, there is Joey Nadelen, Jake Debrusk, Rachel Downer and Jason Goodine. All would be competing in today’s race except for Jason Goodine. Jason had suffered from Grade 3 AC separation in his right shoulder. (If you don’t know what that is, don’t feel bad, I didn’t either.) For those of us without a Degree in Orthopedics, that basically means both ligaments broke and his collar bone broke off from his shoulder blade. He sustained this from a crash at a previous race so he was filling the role of team mechanic and prepping all the bikes for today’s race. After chatting with him, I could tell he was a bit bummed about not being able to compete but he was still there doing what he could to help the team. And without complaint to boot. As a matter of fact, he was always smiling or cracking a joke every time I saw him. Great guy. He goes in for surgery soon.

The team donned their gear and grabbed their bikes as we made our way to the chair lifts. As the sun was shining, the reality of my choice to wear pants and a long-sleeved shirt set in due to the cling factor of the fabric on my skin. The humidity was palpable. I was looking forward to getting under the shade of the trees on the mountain, hoping my choice to wear full length clothing would pay off and I could justify it with the huge swarm of bugs I would find.
We made it to the summit and parted ways. I made my way down the course scouting for good spots to shoot the race. Racers would periodically go flying by with little warning other than the sounds of their bikes’ freewheel sprocket clicking as gravity proved it still worked.

Speaking of gravity, the laws of physics were still in full effect as one individual persistently tested. There was a tricky bit in the rock garden area where tree roots and boulders intertwined, leading up to a drop between two off-centered trees that this gentleman kept crashing off of. He simply kept getting up and dusting himself off, only to walk back up with his bike until he went through without fail. Hat tip to you sir.

Making my way further down the mountain, there was an incoming call on one of the course marshall’s radio that the race would be starting 30 minutes sooner due to an incoming storm. Not uncommon this time of year in the White Mountains.

The racers all reconvened at the top and started making their way down to the bottom as fast as they could. The course at Attitash is very technical and has a nice mix of rocks, roots, whoops, small jumps and fast sections. One notable moment was when J2D2 Racing member Jake Debrusk, came flying by off a jump to a natural slope with a flat rear tire. Come to find out later on, he got the flat right near the start gate and rode it all the way down the mountain that way. When I asked him about it later he said “I just wanted to see if he could do it.” Turns out he can and well. He didn’t even finish last and got 6th in his category. Pretty impressive considering I saw other riders avoiding the jumps with fully functioning bikes.

As the race finished and times were being tallied, we made our way to the teams paddock area for some much needed refreshments. Cooked some burgers and unwound. The weather held off long enough to hear the results. Dan ended up 4th in his category along with Joey finishing 7th in his. Not too shabby considering how technical the mountain is and the competitors they were racing against.

Now I had never been to a downhill mountain bike race before today but there was a trace of familiarity in the air. A set of common traits between these individuals and race car drivers I have met over the years. This would become more apparent over the course of the day. They all share a passion for what they do. Whether it is on a track, racing down a mountain or hitting the apex on some twisty roads. The thrill of being on the edge of perfection and certain disaster. It’s a sultry beast and a fine line, but once you experience that feeling, it’s hard to stop.
Most of the people who are attracted to this deluge of dopamine, are some of the nicest I have ever met. The people at J2D2 Racing are no different. They are genuinely happy to share their passion with others of a like mindset as well as people still wet behind the ears. There’s no judgment or egos to contend with just pure camaraderie. The crew and family members of J2D2 Racing were gracious hosts and I look forward to future races.
And in case you were curious, there were next to no bugs on the mountain, but I think I lost about 3 lbs due to the humidity.