Liam Doran in a Ford RS200 at Lydden Hill 29.08.2011. Small glimpse of Liam Doran’s crazy Pikes Peak International Hill Climb Ford RS200, BRING ON 2012!
Glimpse of Liam Doran’s Crazy Pikes Peak International Hill Climb Ford RS200

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Colin Brandt
I am an overall gearhead, rallyfan, and automotive enthusiast. In my mind the PPIHC is America's last great automotive event, and stage rally is closer to Nascar's roots than Nascar is to Nascar's roots. In other words, I will not be posting anything remotely related to going around in circles. Real men...and women drive sideways, and jump through dirt, tarmac, snow, wind and rain. ;) Oh and one last thing, "IF IN DOUBT, FLAT OUT!!" -Colin Mcrae